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This is the easiest treat you’ll make all summer!
It’s called Guri Guri (or Goodie Goodie) Ice Cream and it’s very popular in Hawaii. It’s actually a mixture between an ice cream, a sherbet and a Gelato all combined into one. When you are in Maui you need to find a place that serves it and get some for sure!
Tasaka Guri-Guri is a small, family-owned shop located in Kahului, Maui, Hawaii, specializing in a frozen dessert known as guri-guri. Guri-guri is a cross between sherbet and ice cream. It is typically made with a mixture of guava juice, any type of lime soda and condensed milk. Tasaka Guri-Guri is very protective of the recipe and has managed to keep it a family secret for decades.
This recipe only has three ingredients.
Orange Soda, Lemon Lime Soda and Sweetened Condensed Milk. Easy peasy and so delicious.
So let’s get started!
I used this scoop, this whisk and this container to make my Guri Guri.
Guri Guri Orange Cream Soda Ice Cream
- 1 can 7-Up
- 2 cans Sunkist Orange Soda
- 1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk
Mix together all ingredients for 2 minutes. Let the mixture sit for a few minutes and stir again to get rid of the extra bubbles on the top. Cover and freeze overnight. If wanted, you can stir it a few times while freezing for a smoother, more ice cream texture. Otherwise it’s a little like a slush, but still delicious. Using a cookie scoop, scrape the ice cream into a ball and serve. Enjoy!
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