It’s the last term and we are in the final stretch of the school year. My kids are already worn out and they need some motivation to get through these final months before summer. So we’ve been working hard on getting homework done early so there is the least amount of stress as possible.
1. Tackle the Big Projects First. Or if there is a subject your child hates, do that homework first. We call it “Eat the frog”. Getting the hardest stuff done first when the kids are awake and have energy makes the task seem smaller.
2. Put away all distractions. And when I say put them away, I don’t just mean turn them off, they have to be out of sight. Out of sight, out of mind. It’s hard for kids to concentrate on their homework when they are distracted by that little blinking light on their phone or iPod telling them that they have a new text message or Snap. Removing distractions might also mean that parents and siblings need to be removed from the area. I know that my kids are really annoyed at each other a lot of the time and they have to do homework in separate areas of the house so they can concentrate.
3. Stay Organized. As soon as homework assignments are done, have the kids load them into their backpack and get it organized for the next day. That way there won’t be any last minute calls from the school from your child telling you they forgot the assignment they spent hours on. Also, be organized at home. Have a mobile homework station that contains all the things your kids need for homework assignments. Pens, pencils, scissors, glue, craft supplies, markers, paper clips, stapler, paper, notebooks, construction paper, crayons, magazines, poster board, etc. This way there are less, “Mom! I forgot I need a poster board for my art class tomorrow!”
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