If you have decided to breast feed your babies, you know how hard it is when you are out running errands and the baby needs to eat. You have to stop what you are doing and nurse the baby unless you want the whole world to look at you like you’re a horrible mom. You know, because you baby is screaming his brains out. I know you’ve seen the looks, and you want to slap those people upside the head because THEY HAVE NO IDEA how hard motherhood really is. And then the mothers in the area are looking at you will sympathetic looks and want to jump up and help you. And all you want to do is say “I’ve got this! No Problem!” but you just feel like crying right then and there? You know?
Sorry I got off on a little tangent there . . . Don’t mind me.
I just want to make your life a little easier. I want to share with you this amazing new nursing cover that you will absolutely love. And if you are not a nursing mother any more (like me) you will want to buy these for everyone of your friends, nieces, sisters, and neighbors you know who are having babies.
First of all let me tell you why I have disliked every nursing cover up that I’ve used. A blanket doesn’t stay up on your shoulder, especially when your baby is older and they like to grab it and throw it off of you. That’s always fun to flash people unexpectedly. The blankets with the strap that go around your neck are a little better, but I always feel like people can see my stomach fat and maybe a little side boob when I’m using those. And after just having a baby, no one wants to see that people, no one.
Then the Bomb Shelter came along and rocked my world. Seriously. So. Brilliant.
It’s a full-coverage 360 degree cover that allows you to nurse on-the-go in complete confidence. You could literally be nursing in the middle of the park while pushing your older child on a swing, and not flash anything to anyone!

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