This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Invisalign. My kids weren’t blessed with the best genes for straight healthy teeth. My first two had to have caps on their front four teeth before they were 3. And I brushed their teeth twice a day! Now that they are older, it’s better, but not the best. We are at the dentists office every 6 months to catch anything that might turn into something big. Trust me, I’ve waited too long before, and it turned into a much larger bill! I’ve also known since my oldest 3 kids have grown in their adult teeth that they would need braces. You can just tell by looking at them. They are not horribly crooked, just enough for the need of braces. I started looking into the Invisalign option, and I have really liked what I’ve seen. Choosing a teeth-straightening method for your child can be a big decision. So I’ll give you some information that will help make your decision easier.
Invisalign Teen clear aligners straighten teeth without traditional wires and brackets. They are clear, so they give your teens the confidence to live life to the fullest while still improving their smile. They are also removable and can straighten teeth without a mouth full of metal! With Invisalign, teens look better and feel more confident than they ever could in traditional braces. Visit the Invisalign website for more information.
There are a few myths about Invisalign that we will address today.
- Myth: Invisalign can only treat minor or cosmetic issues.
Setting it Straight: Invisalign effectively treats a wide variety of orthodontic issues including severe bite issues. From underbite to crossbite, deepbite to overbite and overly crowded to widely spaced, advancements to Invisalign’s patented technology continues to increase the complexity of issues that can be treated.
- Myth: If my child loses their aligners, it’s going to cost me an arm and a leg to replace.
Setting it Straight: We know kids lose things, even their aligners! That’s why you get up to six FREE replacement aligners with Invisalign Teen.
- Myth: Invisalign takes longer to complete than braces.
Setting it Straight: The length of Invisalign treatment is comparable to braces. The average Invisalign journey averages about 12 months for adults. The length of treatment time for teens may vary depending on the severity of the case and can only be determined by a doctor. After researching Invisalign I think that this will be the right choice for my teens.
Head over and enter the Rafflecopter Sweepstakes hosted on the Invisalign Facebook page. Like the Invisalign Facebook page and then follow the pronpts in the Rafflecopter widget. Invisalign will select one grand prize winner from the entries who will receive a full Invisalign treatment for themselves or their child. (ARV: $5,500). Terms and conditions for this Sweepstakes are included in the URL at the bottom of the Rafflecopter widget. it runs from now to September 30, 2014 at midnight PST.
Not all orthodontists specialize in Invisalign Teen. Visit the “find a doctor” page to locate experienced Invisalign and Invisalign Teen doctors in your area. Take the Invisalign Smile Assessment to find out if Invisalign is right for you or your child. Invisalign Teen is covered by most dental insurance policies just like traditional braces — up to 50% of the cost may be covered by insurance. For more information on cost and insurance coverage, visit the Invisalign website.
Do you have teens that need braces? What are some of your concerns about braces or Invisalign?
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Invisalign.
Wow! My top teeth are pretty straight, but the bottom ones have a gap, and I like the way the invisalign looks! Thanks for the info!