I received products in exchange for a review for Ideal Shape. All opinions stated here are my own.
I don’t know about you, but I’m having the hardest time losing weight now that I’m older. I am so sick of yo yo dieting. I’m so sick of getting bigger when I exercise. I really need something it kick start my body into loosing weight. I’m glad to introduce you to Ideal Shape. Ideal Shapes mission statement is “To assist individuals in transforming their mind and body for life, by using brain training, nutrition and exercise. We do this by connecting experts and individuals in a community that fosters success.” As founders, we all had our specific struggles with weight issues and we all defined our own success differently. We realized that each individual has to define and create their own success and we wanted to help connect them with all the resources they might need to reach their goals.”
I love these shakes. They make me feel full and I don’t get that normal craving every afternoon like I usually do. Don’t believe me that they taste delicious? Check out the videos here of people trying them for the first time.
Those Cinnamon Caramel Crunch bars are the BEST! They taste just like they sound and curb my appetite for something sweet.
NatralShape enhanced hunger blocker does just that, blocks hunger. NatralShape contains some powerful antioxidants like Resveratrol, Kelp and AssuriTea Green, but it also contains a full serving of Slendesta. When taken 30 minutes before a meal, it helps you reduce cravings and releases CCK into your system (the hormone that tells your brain it’s full).
As I work my way through these products, I’ll keep you posted on my progress and let you know how this plan is working for me. I haven’t been doing it long enough for any real results yet. I’m exited to test it out.
Here are some little tidbits of information about Ideal Shape:
- We suggest drinking a full glass of water after each shake. This helps to activate the hunger blocker.
- Any time you cut back your calorie intake it will take a couple of days for your body to adjust. (Complaints of still feeling hungry) Also, making it into a smoothie gives it a little more substance, which some people may need.
- Be sure you are eating 5 times a day. We suggest 3 healthy snacks. The Idealbar works great for this.
- Some bodies are not used to the amount of fiber and may need to start out with ½ a scoop for a week then move up to a full scoop
- Add liquid first then shake mix into shaker bottle for best results.
- Idealbars are a nutritious snack for any age.
Do you want to win your own set just like the one pictured above? Well you can! Enter to win below!
Giveaway products include:
1 Tub of IdealShake Mix (choc or van)
1 Box of IdealBars (any flavor)
1 Shaker Bottle
$70.00 retail value
Don’t want to wait to find out if you won? Well since you are one of my awesome readers, you can get 10% off your first order by enter this code at checkout: TIPS10
How do you enter to win? Use the rafflecopter form below. The winner will be chosen at Midnight MST Saturday May 3, 2014.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
my fiance and i workout all year round. we don’t workout every single day but we do stay active. so come summer, we are already prepared.