My solution is to take a few gently used toys (not just the broken or busted) and to donate them. For now my son is really too young to participate or understand, but in the future my hope is that this can be a way for my children to reflect on all they have and need. I hope that by asking them to choose a few toys to give away (in good condition) they’ll begin to understand what the true gifts are in our lives. Not the toys or books, but each other, food in our bellies and a warm winter jacket. That there are others out there who don’t have even these basic needs met, and who will be utterly grateful for the gift of this gently used toy.
Perhaps, as they get older, they can participate more by helping draft an email to a family shelter or community organization where we’ll send these things. For now though, it’s just Mama. Just me culling the toys in preparation for an influx of more.
Art school alum, impassioned farm educator, mama, wife, artist, crafter, knitter, home chef and gardener. My husband, one year old son,city chickens & I live in an old, quirky (slightly funky) house in Maine. Though I dream of farm houses with ancient apple trees, wide open pastures, lovely old barns and roaming sheep, I do love our little urban homestead and am quite happy in our little city, for now.
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