However, rather than getting bogged down in thoughts of student loan debt, and how the Royal Baby will probably never see the word “debt” anywhere on his bank account, start thinking practically. There are plenty of things you can do that, overtime, really start to add up. While it may not feel like they are making a dent, the small ways you cut back on expenses now can mean thousands of extra dollars in the future for college. Starbucks drinks are great, but there still hasn’t been a law passed that they’re a requirement to start your day. Just by brewing your own cup of joe at home, you could save nearly $20,000 in 18 years! Check out this amusing, yet realistic, infographic from GED Academy and see how many practical ways there are to save. And in case you do ever become royal, you’ll already be one step ahead when it comes to finances.
How To Cut Expenses and Save for College
With all the news of the Royal Baby, it may begin to seem a little, well, discouraging. As much as you love your kids, unfortunately, they aren’t royal. And unfortunately, they don’t get put on the front of a magazine every time they yawn. The Royal Baby most likely has no need to start a college fund because by the time he turns eighteen, his tuition fees will have been paid for a million times over. But as parents, we know how necessary it is to start saving early on for our kids college funds, because tuition isn’t getting any cheaper and no one seems to be knocking on our doors to contribute checks.
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