I wouldn’t call myself fat, but I for sure have some weight to shed. I WILL NOT tell you how much I weigh, because I feel like that doesn’t matter as much as my size in clothing. I am a size 12. My body is really weird though, I am sure I weigh WAY more than most people in a size 12. I have a Warrior type of body. I am big busted, thick waisted, and I have thin, but muscular legs. I HATE my waist line. This is why I have decided to try to get fit with the Zumba Fitness Core for the XBox 360 using the Kinect. The exercises focus on your core (which is your tummy, back and waist, just in case you don’t know 🙂
I little background about myself… I have been a dancer since I was 8. When I was in High School, I would go to dance and assist teaching from 3-6 then I would take my own classes from 6-10. Yeah, I was in really good shape 🙂 I even had almost a 6 pack and could do more push-ups then most of the boys my age. Dancing is something my body responds to. I love the challenge of doing core exercises! I love the challenge of learning choreography! I love shaking my tushie 🙂 After having 5 kids, the weight kept multiplying each pregnancy. I got busier and busier, and didn’t care for myself as much. Then, my husband lost his job. We lost our home, we couldn’t pay our bills. STRESS! That is not a friend of weight. I love to eat when I am stressed. I am not an overeater, I just eat the wrong things at the wrong time. A few months ago I did Medifast. I lost 18 pounds. It wasn’t hard or easy… just a little more thinking than normal. Really expensive though. So, I will be doing what works for me, eating wise. I’ll post my food along with my exercises each day.
This is what I love about the game:
-You can choose your level
-You can learn the choreography separately
-You can exercise and learn some cool dance moves for the club (yeah right, I don’t go do clubs, I’m a Mormon mom of 5, Ha Ha!)
-You can choose how long you are dancing.
-There are different combinations of classes so you don’t get bored
-You will make your kids laugh hysterically while they are watching
-You can make your kids do it with you (although some of the moves are stripper-esque).
-I overheat a lot while I exercise so it’s nice that you get a few seconds of a break in between the songs to take a drink.
-You don’t have to hold a controller while you are dancing
I would love it if you would follow me along this journey of feeling better and getting in shape. I am not trying to get skinny, just fit and healthy. Each day I will be posting my exercises and what I am eating so I can be accountable to someone. PLEASE leave me some comments and let me know if you want to go on this journey with me. We can have fun together! I will be posting on my facebook page HERE each day, I need your inspiration and support. We can do this together.
BTW… my husband is supporting me too, so he will be making sure I post each day. Watch OUT!
I’ll be posting a picture of myself tomorrow. My “before” picture!
Yeah… GO ANNETTE! <br />I would try to do it with you.. Buuuttt I am just to lazy 🙂 I'll be watching you melt just like the snow!