Feather your nest with topiaries made from paper napkin–covered plastic eggs glued onto Easter grass–covered Styrofoam cones.
• Newspaper or scrap paper
• Styrofoam cone (ours are 17 7⁄8″ x 4 7⁄8″, $7.99, and 12″ x 4″, $4.99; Michaels.com for store locations)
• Spray adhesive (we used Scotch
• Super 77 Multipurpose Adhesive, $25.95; Amazon.com)
• Paper Easter grass (we used Ostergras in Cloud White, D. Blümchen & Company, $3; Blumchen.com)
• Hot-glue gun and glue sticks
• Paper Napkin–Covered Eggs (see directions, below; we used 45 eggs for the large topiary and 25 for the small one)
• Pedestal bowl or platter
1. On a newspaper-covered surface, coat a Styrofoam cone with spray adhesive. Adhere handfuls of Easter grass to glue, pressing lightly, until cone is covered.
2. Apply hot glue to bottom of one egg and adhere to top of cone. Continuing from the top and working in horizontal rows, hot-glue backs of eggs to cone, spacing eggs about 1″ apart on all sides.
3. Fill in spaces and sparse areas between eggs by pressing bits of Easter grass onto the cone, which should still be tacky with adhesive. Place topiary on pedestal bowl.
Contributor Eddie Ross, a publishing veteran, has appeared on Bravo’s Top Design and HGTV’s Celebrity Holiday Homes. Together with his partner, Jaithan Kochar, he chronicles his decorating and entertaining projects on his blog, EddieRoss.com.
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