I thought it would be fun to post about the great books my family and I are finding for kids at the library each month. We usually go to the library every other Friday because that’s my kids early out day. BTW, I always put an alarm on my phone to remind me of the due date. Also, we keep a library bag reserved just for our library trips. It contains our library cards and receipts so they stay all in one place. Another thing we do to make visiting the library easier, keep a library basket in your home where the library books stay at all times when not being read. That way we don’t have to go searching all over the house every other Friday looking for all the books.
. Too Many Valentines A Robin Hill School book, reading level 1
. Nate the Great and the Mushy Valentine A detective book
. Olive, My Love Yes, the same loveable Olive from Olive the Reindeer
. The Day it Rained Hearts A cute story about a heart rain storm and a little girl who uses the hearts to make valentines for her friends
. What’s With This Room? I love this book! It’s all about a little boy’s messy room. So cute! Even my 10 year old thought it was funny! This was our favorite part…
“Those clothes aren’t heaped up because I’m a pig, I’m actually creating an archaeological dig! In a couple of years I’ll give you a chance to dig and discover my petrified pants.”
. Being Responsible A very simple book explaining to children what responsible means.
. Mouse’s First Valentine A preschool favorite
. Biscuit’s Valentine’s Day another preschool favorite.
. Amelia Bedelia’s First Valentine ages 4-8, Chapter book
. Kids Meet the Presidents a perfect introduction to the Nation’s Presidents
. Presidents’ Day a class puts on a play about the Presidents
. The Happiness Project I haven’t read this book yet, but I am planning on it. I watched her interviewed on the Good Morning America Show, and I am trying to post something that brought me happiness on Facebook everyday until February, along with pictures if possible. I can’t wait to read it, I think it’s just what we need during these long winter months.
. Photoshop CS3 One on One (of course, I’m a photographer so these are the books that make me happy!)
. The 5 Love Languages This book made my marriage so much better! Everyone feels love differently and it’s fun to take the test to see what your love language is, and maybe more importantly, what your spouses love language is They have one for kids too!
Have fun at the library this month!
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