1. Measure your child’s waist and cut a ribbon about 12″ longer than that measurement. OR use the thick elastic and sew the ends to the measurement of the waist.
2. Use about 1 1/2 yards total of the tulle you want to use. If you want more than one color just make sure your total is about 1 1/2 yards.
3. Keep the tulle folded and cut the short side of the tulle in 6″ strips.
4. Place the ribbon or elastic where the fold in the tulle is, and tie, or keep the tulle under the ribbon and pull the ends through the loop that is created from the fold.
5. Keep adding tulle until you have used it all up, and tie the ribbon around your child’s waist or slide on.
6. If desired, get cute flowers from the craft store and remove from stems, glue a gem in the middle and hot glue to the front of the tutu.
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