I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Zarbee’s Naturals. I received a promotional item and a product sample as a thank you for participating. Anyone who knows me knows I have horrible sinuses. I am constantly stuffed up, especially around spring and fall, when hay fever is at it’s highest. I usually can’t smell anything during these seasons and usually get a sinus infection. When I had the chance to try out Zarbee’s Naturals Seasonal Relief, I jumped on it. And guess what? It really worked for me! I actually said to my husband, listen, I can breathe (as I breathed in and out through my nose). He was ecstatic
If you or any of your children 12 years old or older suffer from seasonal congestion, I would highly recommend trying Zarbee’s Natural Seasonal Relief. Zarbee’s Naturals is made with natural Butterbur to help combat congestion. Zarbee’s Naturals’ Seasonal Relief is available over the counter at CVS and Target and is intended for children 12 years of age and over. Receive your own customized seasonal congestion tips as well as sign up for a product sample at the Seasonal Relief Project Website: http://www.seasonalrelief.com/. Every time someone visits the Seasonal Relief Project website to share how Zarbee’s Naturals’ Seasonal Relief with Butterbur worked for them, the brand is donating to four causes that support exposure to and the protection of fresh air, including Fresh Air Fund, Children & Nature Network, and Moms Clean Air Force, and Healthy Child Healthy World. Along with using Zarbee’s Naturals, I sometimes use a Neti Pot.
This is a pot you use to clean out your sinuses. You add Epsom salt and the water goes in one side of your nostril and out the other. I know it sounds so gross, but it really keeps me from getting sinus infections as often as I usually do. Just be sure to not do it too often, you’ll dry yourself out.
Also to cut down on seasonal congestion, I make sure I have the air filter changed on my furnace and wash my sheets and pillow cases often. This clears my bedroom of allergens as I sleep. An air purifier and humidifier help immensely too.
Do you have any tips on cutting back on seasonal congestion that you do in your home? I’d love to learn some new tricks!
“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.”
[…] For congestion we like to use Zarbee’s Naturals Seasonal Relief. Read my review on it HERE. […]